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Lisa, Nelson Bay, NSW, Australia

Meet Lisa, a mum of two who loves to stay active with her family and help others to achieve their fitness goals.

I am happiest when…

I can have some quality time with my family exploring new places, swimming, riding, playing games and having fun together.

I never leave the house without…

My watch and wedding rings, I feel lost if I ever do forget them.

I’d tell my 13-year-old self…

Don’t worry what other people think, be true to yourself and enjoy being you. I think we all learn this lesson too late in life.

My favourite ‘me time’ indulgence is…

A good massage, there’s nothing better.

My favourite saying is…

Life is about making mistakes and learning from them, no one is perfect. Always have a dream for life, because without it how do you know where you want to go.

The best movie ever made is…

My inner child says The Lion King, I think I’ll always love that movie, or Dejavu (anything Denzel Washington is always good).

Why do you drink chai latte, and why Bondi Chai?

It tastes so good! Coffee and tea are not my thing. I've tried a few chai’s and Bondi Chai just has the best flavour without being too sweet.

When/where did you first taste Bondi Chai?

I bought a packet in a supermarket about 8 years ago (or more) and since then I’ve been hooked.

Which is your favourite Bondi Chai variety?

Ginger n Spice, it's a stronger flavour but so good and also dairy-free.

Three words to describe Bondi Chai, the company?

Quality - Quality product, Quality Flavour, Quality Service.