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Heidi & Josie, The Hills, NSW, Australia


Heidi is a travel/fiction writer and Josie is a graphic designer/marketer. They love to get together as much as they can to work on their debut novel and plan their next big international trip. One day soon they hope to self publish around the world.

I am happiest when…

Heidi: I can get out on the open water and go scuba diving with my bestie.

We never leave the house without…

Heidi: My tablet, sunnies, keys and keep cup.

Josie: Notebook, Pantone cards, phone and travel mug.

My favourite ‘me time’ indulgence is…

Josie: Hallmark movies! I know they're cheesy, cliché and ultra-unrealistic, but I love them!  

Our favourite saying is…

"Best friends are the family you choose!"

The best movie ever made is…

The Princess Bride – we’re sappy romantics at heart.

If we won the lottery, the first person we'd call is…

The travel agent!

Why do you drink chai latte, and why Bondi Chai?

Neither of us has ever had a taste for coffee, so it’s our immediate go-to when we’re out with friends. One of the reasons we love Bondi Chai, apart from tasting amazing (obviously), is because there’s no disgusting sediment in the bottom of the cup – that stuff is gross and we can’t drink the whole cup with other brands.

When/where did you first taste Bondi Chai?

We happened upon Bondi Chai by pure chance – we were out with the girls at a new café and fell in love with it, so now it’s the only one we drink. If the café doesn’t have Bondi Chai, then we have hot chocolate or tea.

Which is your favourite Bondi Chai variety?

Ginger n Spice all the way!

Three words to describe Bondi Chai, the company?

Honesty, Integrity, Genuine!