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Cam, Melbourne, VIC, Australia


Cam is 35 and works as an aircraft mechanic. He likes coffee, beer, and rock music and is still looking for the love of his life!

The one book everyone should read is…

I’m not really into books but I love listening to Podcasts and you can't go wrong with Tim Ferris.

The person I most admire is…

In my family, I admire my mum most. She is the key person in our family and keeps it solid.

I’d tell my 13-year-old self…

You spend most of your school life trying to fit in, then the rest of your life desperately trying to stand out. Nurture what makes you different and you’ll be miles ahead of everyone else!

My favourite quote is…

"If you’re betwixt and between, trust the one with red hair." - O.R. Melling

The dumbest thing I've ever done was…

I once searched high and low — all over my house for like 25 minutes — for a certain pair of shorts that I just could NOT find...because I had them on.

If I won the lottery, the first person I would call is…

The car dealer, to order my Shelby Mustang.

Why do you drink chai latte, and why Bondi Chai?

I’m trying to cut down on my daily coffee intake and find I love to drink chai in the afternoon.

When/where did you first taste Bondi Chai?

I ordered a coffee at a café, but they mixed up my order and I was given a Bondi Chai, it was so good that I asked to keep it and now regularly order a chai.

Which is your favourite Bondi Chai variety?

Ginger n Spice.